
For our Friday evening sessions, from 7:30pm until 9:30pm, we have exclusive use of the swimming pool, changing rooms, sauna and steam room at the Chepstow Leisure Centre.

Chepstow Pool Map
The Leisure Centre is just 2 miles from the M48 and Severn Bridge making it easily accessible from South Wales, Bristol and surrounding areas.

The address for Chepstow Leisure Centre is:

Welsh Street, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 5LX

Maps showing the location: Google Maps OpenStreetMap

When you enter the leisure centre go straight past reception, down the corridor to the swimming pool changing rooms.

We will be at the entrance to the changing rooms usually at least 15 minutes before 8:15pm to take the admission money and greet any new people. Please ensure that you arrive before 8:15pm.

Traffic Wales Logo Details of Latest Traffic Conditions in Wales.
From Traffic Wales

Highways Agency Logo Details of Latest Traffic Conditions in England.
From the Highways Agency

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